
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Jimmy Wayne - Sara Smile

 Happy Birthday Sarah! I love you and you are in my thoughts all the time.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Rockin' Night at the Fishbowl

Rockin night at The Fish Bowl. 59 aquatic brothers and sisters came to play during the Holiday Break. What is normally a relatively “nice quiet” game of of Go-Fish Pokah turned loud and raucous as more Fire Water than normal was consumed and the revelry was on. Happy Birthday to Rin Oar. Several times during the evening the crescendo of joyful outburst was overpowering as an unprecedented amount of “golden 2 pairs” hit. 
Thank you to Aodin, Gobnait, Conall, Seamus and the beautiful Rowan for dealing. 

Special Guest in The Bowl from NY City Harbor. Most here don’t know that Gulfy has a little sister named Rio. That is because after 9/11, Father Triton assigned her as a liaison to the American Homeland Security and the waters around the Big City of the Sons of Adam. You know, just to keep a fin out for El Quido. Anyway, it’s not much of a hush hush anymore as you have to be a guppy to not know that the real hero of Flight 1549 was a fish. That’s right. There was no way Captain Sully could have handled that metal bird in the water by himself. He had help. And I am very proud of her. I don’t know how her debriefing went but she told me, privately, afterwards, “The problem wasn’t the swim speed on impact. It was after impact and the metal bird began to settle, she explained. “Gulfy, that Son of a Fish was just plain heavy!”. 

Top 10
10. Rowan
9. Gobnait
8. Niall
7. Eibhlin
6. Donnchaddh
5. Conall
4. Aodin
3. Osgar
2. Tiarnach
1. Rio Triton 

Congratulations on your first Go-Fish Tournament and Win, Rio Triton!!!!!!

Beyond the Sea

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Stitch In Time

I sat last night watching you
Captivate my oldest daughter
Teaching the secret trade 
Of a machine made by Singer

Like a stitch in time
Things I know to be true
Passed down the line
Given to me by you

I asked my little girl
When she becomes a lady
   Would she pass on 
      The secrets of opossum gravy

So listen good my young one
Got to know it right, Got to make it last
Very few seem to know 
The old ways are going fast

Like a stitch in time
These things I know to be true
Passed down the line 
Given to me by you

gulftriton 2004
For: Sawyer, Bailey & Sarah